Sunday, March 18, 2007

Allison Tepper Singer

This woman is some piece of work!!! She says within earshot of her Autistic daughter that she wanted to drive off a bridge but didn't because she has a Normal child at home also. Note that this woman made $120,000 last year for her "work" with Autism Speaks. ALSO note that no one in the Autism Speaks organization actually HAS Autism. They seem to just be these type of "loving" parents.

I'm off to go hug my Tiger and thank the Lord that He saw fit to give him to me instead of some wacked out mother. If ever I had the "why me?" question answered...this is it.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Best YouTube Ever

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Little Bit Country..............

Are you a little bit country or a little bit rock and roll?

You're a little bit country if you have ever seen a headless chicken run away.
You're a little bit rock and roll if the head was in your mouth.

You're a little bit country if you have ever eaten a porkrind with hair still attached.
You're a little bit rock and roll if you have ever........................with hair still attached.

You're a little bit country if your dog has given you fleas.
You're a little bit rock and roll if your boyfriend has given you "fleas."

You're a little bit country if you chew on grass.
You're a little bit rock and roll if you smoke the grass.

You're a little bit country if you have ever worn leather chaps.
You're a little bit rock and roll if you have worn nothing but the leather chaps.

You're a little bit country if you have ever chased a pig.
You're a little bit rock and roll if the pigs have ever chased you.

I know for sure there are some readers out there that can come up with better ones than these!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


This is cool and I stole it from Jeff!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Inconvenient Truths...of Being Married to BigWhiteHat

  • Hats and boots 24/7.
  • Getting knocked up every 2 years 'til I got fixed.
  • Some women just don't get that rubbing his smooth bald head is...NOT OK with me.
  • Nagging me to post something 24/7.
  • Boots just don't look good with shorts! Why can't he get that?
  • 8 Seconds. Great for a bull ride...bad for a back rub.
  • Finding myself reutered all over Jeff's Blog.
  • Knowing that the day WILL come when longhorns will be mounted to the grill of my truck.
  • It only took him ten years to train me to like Cigars, Rush, Monday Night Football and UFC.

Friday, June 23, 2006

A Wedding Invitathion...

Misther & Misthuss Sthewart Sthone

Request the honor of your


At the marriage of their daughter,

Sthusthan Sthephanie Sthone


Misther Stheven S. Guesth

Sthaturday, the sixthteenth of Augusth

Two thoushand and sixth

At sixth o’clock in the evening.

St. Josthephs’s Epithscopalian Church

Bosthton, Massthachusthettsth
