Sunday, May 28, 2006

Love Letterth

The Following is an E-mail to Stheven S. Guesth from The Sthuper Sthexy Rectheptionisth, Sthusthan Sthone:

Dearesth Stheven,

I am ever stho flattered that sthomone shuch asth yourthelf hath notithed me. Often timesth thisth offith isth stho bithy, no one payth much attensthion to the sthaff.

I've had a sthecret crush on you from the moment I firsth heard your beautiful voith. But I wath too shy to sthay anything to you in perthon.

Now that I know that you have sthome interesth in me I felt I should take the firsth sthep to break the ith.

Usthually, my slithe lisp isth sthomwhat of a turnoff for mosth men. But I think in thith casthe, it isth mosthly a bonusth. I can't tell you how much of a releif it isth to have stho much in common.

Pleath feel free to call me at my housth anytime.

Hugth and kistheth,


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Inconvenient Truths...Of Working Out

  • Foretting your MP3 Player makes you painfully aware of your surroundings.
  • If you have a little blister on your foot when you get on the treadmill, you'll still have it when you get off the treadmill.
  • When there are 3 different shows on 3 different televisions, you can't help but try to watch all 3.
  • Big muscle dudes look strange in business suits.
  • Teen age girls are not really there to work out.
  • If your bra size is less than a B cup, you still need a bra.
  • Big hoop earrings and a face full of make up won't make you sweat less.
  • You can see 2 fast food restaurants through the window from the treadmill.
  • A small part of you always fantasizes about bringing your dog to walk on the treadmill next to you.
  • The air conditioning works great. I saw more nips than when I was a new born.
  • There really is such a thing as being too tanned.
  • I can't tell what that tattoo is. She must have gotten that before she chunked up.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

May 1st

May 1st

1:13 Lunch at Posado's w/hubby...........$34.00

2:33 Wal-Mart.................$55.16

3:08 QT.............................$3.95

6:10 Cato Fashions..........$77.89

6:40 Target.....................$26.56

7:06 Payless Shoes............$3.23

7:19 Family Dollar.............$7.58

9:22 Target......................$45.43

Spending $253.80 0n Day Without An (Illegal) Immigrant

